Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome to My First Blog!

Hey everyone! After years of reading so many blogs of fellow developers and enthusiasts, I've finally decided to buckle down and start my own. I'm hoping that this format will be a fun way to show off some of my own personal projects that I have been working on over the years.

A few of my first few posts will obviously be to show off some of my past works with screenshots of course. And maybe even some source code for those new Object Pascal programmers just waiting to make their first masterpiece. :)

A Little About Me
For those that do not know of or have heard of me here is a bit of a bio; I create games and other software using Object Pascal. My tools of choice are Lazarus and Free Pascal.

I've been making all kinds of small games since high school. I mean games are what got me to learn everything about them. My biggest break for making games for Windows however was a really amazing little library for it's time called DelphiX. It was a visual component library, created by a guy in Japan named Hori, that allowed a developer to drag and drop objects onto your application's form and create your game with DirectX without having to play with headers at all. It all sort of took off from there I was making games and looking up site of other developers and a few community sites where I could learn to do more.

In 2002 I joined a small, but growing community of Pascal programmers on a forum site called DGDev. About that time, I also frequented a game development news site called DelphiGamer ran by Dominique Louis and Dean Ellis. In 2004, after the community had grown a bit more, Dominique Louis and myself created and co-founded Pascal Game Development (.com) which was the combination of both the community forums at DGDev and DelphiGamer's news site.

The site's launch in 2005 was introduced with an annual game programming competition which would come to be called the 'PGD Annual'. Two successive competitions were ran in 2006 and 2007 with growing success. We even sponsored two teams to compete in the IGF for 2006 and 2007.

I eventually 'retired' as webmaster and co-site runner in late 2007 so that I could focus on my new career working with electronics. The site has since had a complete make-over and is definitely worth a visit; Go check it out. :)

I've started many game projects, but unfortunately I've completed very few. I've taken almost a whole year off to focus on my studies, but I. To name some of my favorite projects I've worked on off the top of my head I'd have to name; Garland's Quest (a very active effort right now), Cyber-Crisis, Subject 33, SkyBlast Game Engine project (had a nifty storyline I was cooking up for a game with it) and Iron Strike: Stormfront. (story and design work for Dirk Nordhusen's 2006 IGF entry)

Definitely look for new progress on my latest game Garland's Quest, which is a neat little puzzle game that I'll talk about more in my next post.

Well that's all from me for now. Be sure to come back for more. Cheers!

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